Dr. Jan-Oliver Strych
- Coordinator of the Business Administration Core Program
- Gruppe:
Department of Finance and Banking
- Tel.: +49 721 608-43427
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Academic Positions / Akademische Positionen
- Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (German assistant professor equivalent) at the Chair of Finance and Banking (Prof. Dr. Martin Ruckes), Institute for Finance, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, since 2015
- Visiting Scholar at the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2018
- Lecturer for Financial Accounting (freelancer contract) at the HECTOR School of Management and Engineering, since 2013
- Coordinator of the Business Administration Core Program at the Department of Economics and Business Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, since 2011
- Scientific assistant at the Chair of Finance and Banking (Prof. Martin Ruckes), Institute for Finance, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, 2008 - 2015
- Referee Activity: Finance Research Letters, Schmalenbach Business Review, Social Policy & Administration
Research Interests / Forschungsinteressen
- Short Selling
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Corporate Governance
- Earnings management
- Insider Trading
- Human Capital: Incentive and Job Design (December 2014, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Ruckes)
Publications / Publikationen
- Gauger, F., A. Pfnür, and J.-O. Strych, Coworking Spaces and Start-ups: Empirical Evidence from a Product Market Competition and Life Cycle Perspective, Journal of Business Research (forthcoming), Best Presentation Award at the 2020 International Real Estate Society (virtual) Symposium for Doctoral Students; Finalist for the Best Theory Paper Award at the 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand, presented at 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand, Mannheim, Germany (virtual)*; International Real Estate Society (virtual) Symposium for Doctoral Students (virtual)*; 26th European Real Estate Society Annual Conference 2019, Cergy-Pontoise, France*
- Schattmann, L., J.-O. Strych, and Joakim Westerholm, 2021, Information Processing Skills of Short Sellers: Empirical Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic, Covid Economics 65 (peer-reviewed Centre for Economic Research publication about Covid-19), 108-152.
- Almagro, M. and J. Strych, Margin Trading Shareholder Activists, Applied Economics Letters (forthcoming).
- Gauger, F., A. Pfnür, and J.-O. Strych, Linking Real Estate Data with Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Coworking Spaces, Funding, and Founding Activity of Start-ups, Data in Brief (forthcoming).
- Schubert, R. and J.-O. Strych, Entrenchment Through Discretion over M&A Contractual Provisions, The Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog 2019.
Working Papers / Arbeitspapiere
The Impact of Margin Trading and Short Selling by Retail Investors on Market Price Efficiency: Empirical Evidence from Bitcoin Exchanges, revise and resubmit at Finance Research Letters
Information Processing Skills of Short Sellers: Empirical Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic, with Levy Schattmann and Joakim Westerholm, published as discussion paper in Covid Economics 65, presented at 2021 Annual World Finance Conference (virtual, forthcoming); 29th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) 2021 (virtual, forthcoming); 7th International Young Finance Scholar's Conference (IYFS) (virtual, forthcoming); Research Seminar 2020 at the University of Lille (virtual
Internal Governance of Firms Induced by Promotion-Based Incentives: Empirical Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitionsm, with Gael Imad’Eddine and Antti Miihkinen, 2nd Best Paper at the 17th Workshop on Corporate Governance at EIASM, presented at 2021 Annual World Finance Conference (virtual, forthcoming); Research Seminar at the University of Lille II, Lille, France 2021; 17th Workshop on Corporate Governance at EIASM, Brussels, Belgium (virtual)*; 7th Annual Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
Real Effects of Potential Stock Recalls on M&A Premiums and Acquirer Stock Prices, with Richard Schubert, presented at 2019 New Zealand Finance Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand; 68th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Finance Association (MFA), Chicago, USA; Southwestern Finance Association 58th Annual Meeting 2019 (SWFA), Houston, USA*; 28th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) 2019 – “Merton H. Miller” Doctoral Seminar, Ponta Delgada, Portugal*; 23rd Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association (FMA) Europe, Glasgow, Scotland*; 31st Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC), Sydney, Australia; Brown Bag Research Seminar of the University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia; 2018 Annual Meeting of the Financial Management Association International, San Diego, USA*; 6th Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC) 2018, Paris, France (invited); 10th Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden; 2nd Global PhD Colloquium 2018, University of Sydney Business School, Sydney, Australia*; 35th Annual Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), ESCP Europe, Paris, France; Brown Bag Research Seminar of the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia; Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days (ACDD), University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France (invited)*; 5th ECGC Workshop on Governance and Control, University of Lille, Lille, France*; 24th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association, Ulm, Germany, poster presentation; 5th HCCG Ph.D. Workshop in Corporate Governance, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland*; Brown Bag Research Seminar of the Institute for Finance at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Intellectual Property Protection in M&A Negotiations, with Richard Schubert, presented at American Finance Association Ph.D. Student Poster Session, Chicago, USA (virtual)*
Entrenchment through Discretion over M&A Contractual Provisions, with Richard Schubert, presented at 32nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC), Sydney, Australia (forthcoming); Brown Bag Research Seminar at University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia*; 28th Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (EFMA) 2019 – “Merton H. Miller” Doctoral Seminar, Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Research Seminar at the University of Lille II, Lille, France*
Promotion Incentives, Performance Pay, and Human Capital, presented at Doctoral Colloquium of the 13th EURAM Conference in Istanbul, Turke
Job Rotation and Employer Learning about Human Capital, presented at 18th Colloquium on Personnel Economics 2014, Cologne, Germany; Ph.D. course in Personnel Economics and Education, University of Zurich, Grindelwald (external seminar), Switzerland; Doctoral Seminar in Economics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
The Stabilizing Impact of Retail Investors on Stock Prices: Empirical Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic, with Felix Hüfner
Trading on Stock Recalls as Informational Advantage through Short Selling: Empirical Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions
* presented by co-author
Research Grants and Awards / Forschungsförderungen und Auszeichnungen
Finalist for the Best Theory Paper Award for the paper “Coworking Spaces and Start-ups: Empirical Evidence from a Product Market Competition and Life Cycle Perspective” at the 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand
Selection as 2nd Best Paper of the paper “Internal Governance of Firms Induced by Promotion-Based Incentives: Empirical Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions” at the 17th Workshop on Corporate Governance at EIASM
Best Presentation Award for the paper “Coworking Spaces and Start-ups: Empirical Evidence from a Product Market Competition and Life Cycle Perspective” at the 2020 International Real Estate Society (virtual) Symposium for Doctoral Students
Visit grant by the University of Sydney Business School (postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic crisis), University of Sydney
Travel grant by the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics, Australian National University, 2018
Infrastructure grant by the Fördergesellschaft Finanzwirtschaft und Banken am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (i.e., privately-sponsored foundation for research in finance and banking at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), 2018
Infrastructure grant by the Fördergesellschaft Finanzwirtschaft und Banken am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (i.e., privately-sponsored foundation for research in finance and banking at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), 2014
Mercer-AlumniUM-Vordiplom-Award for achieving the 9th best intermediate diploma in business administration among a cohort of approx. 800 students of the University of Münster´s School of Business and Economics, Münster, Germany
Administrative Functions / Organisatorisches
- Coordinator of the Business Administration Core Program (four lectures and adjunct tutorials in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Production Economics, Strategic Management und Information Management)
- Team leader and hiring of all BA Core Program Tutors
- Approval of courses regarding Finance, Financial Accounting, and the BA Core Program completed at other universities
- Member of the Committee on Quality Management in Teaching
Teaching / Lehre
- My Lectures:
- Financial Statements and Analysis (Rechungswesen, intermediate level): Winter Term 13/14, Winter Term 14/15, Winter Term 15/16, Winter Term 16/17, Winter Term 17/18, Winter Term 18/19, Winter Term 19/20, Winter Term 20/21
- Business Administration: Strategic Management and Information Engineering and Management - Foundations of Business Administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Unternehmensführung und Informationswirtschaft - Grundbegriffe der BWL): Winter Term 11/12, Winter Term 12/13, Winter Term 13/14, Winter Term 14/15, Winter Term 15/16, Winter Term 16/17, Winter Term 17/18, Winter Term 18/19, Winter Term 19/20
- Business Administration: Strategic Management and Information Engineering and Management - Strategic Management (Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Unternehmensführung und Informationswirtschaft - Unternehmensführung): Winter Term 12/13
- Business Administration and Management Science C - Managerial Accounting (Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre C - Controlling): Winter Term 08/09, Winter Term 09/10, Winter Term 10/11, Winter Term 11/12
- My Tutorials:
- Financial Statements and Analysis (Rechnungswesen, intermediate level): Winter Term 13/14, Winter Term 14/15, Winter Term 15/16, Winter Term 16/17, Winter Term 17/18, Winter Term 18/19, Winter Term 19/20, Winter Term 20/21
- Business Administration: Strategic Management and Information Engineering and Management - Strategic Management (Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Unternehmensführung und Informationswirtschaft - Unternehmensführung): Winter Term 12/13, Winter Term 13/14, Winter Term 14/15, Winter Term 15/16
- Supervision of Tutorials:
- Business Administration: Finance and Accounting (Business Administration Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Finanzwirtschaft und Rechnungswesen: Winter Term 12/13, Winter Term 13/14, Winter Term 14/15, Winter Term 15/16, Winter Term 16/17, Winter Term 17/18, Winter Term 18/19, Winter Term 19/20, Winter Term 20/21
- Business Administration: Production Economics and Marketing(Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Produktionswirtschaft und Marketing): Summer Term 13, Summer Term 14, Summer Term 15, Summer Term 16, Summer Term 17, Summer Term 18, Summer Term 19, Summer Term 20, Summer Term 21
- Business Administration and Management Science C - Strategic Management, Finance, and Managerial Accounting (Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre C - Unternehmensführung, Finanzwirtschaft und Controlling): Winter Term 08/09, Winter Term 09/10, WinterTerm 10/11, Winter Term 11/12
- Business Administration and Management Science B - Production Economics and Marketing (Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre C - Produktionswirtschaft und Marketing): Summer Term 09, Summer Term 10, Summer Term 11, Summer Term 12
- Advisor in the Seminar "Finance" for undergraduate and graduate students: since Winter Term 08/09
Bachelor and Master Theses
- Topics: Short Selling, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Governance, Hedge Fund Activism, Earnings Management, Capital Market Rumors, Insider Trading, Management Compensation and Turnover, Venture Capital and Private Equity
- Premise: Inhouse or industry premise (here with 60 months of project experience)
Education / Ausbildung
- Dr. rer. pol. with distinction (“summa cum laude”) (doctoral degree in economics) in December 2014 at the Department of Economics and Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2014
- Doctoral student at the Chair of Finance and Banking, Institute for Finance, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany (advisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Ruckes (Professor of Finance), 2008 – 2014
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of Münster, Münster, Germany, 2005 – 2008
- Study abroad at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in Economics und at the Anderson School of Management (UCLA) in Business Administration, Los Angeles, USA, 2008
- Diploma in Information Systems (master of science degree equivalent) at the University of Münster, Münster, Germany, 2003 – 2008
Non-Academic Positions / Nicht-akademische Positionen
- Business consulting of start-ups (freelancer), in particular about funding negotiations, since 2014
- Instructor of the Workshop “Valuation of Start-Ups” for delta Karlsruhe e. V. consultants (student consultancy), with KIT start-up tego energy (now otego GmbH, printed thermoelectric generators), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015
- Organizer of the monthly Afterwork Get Together for all KIT PhD Students (German: Doktorandenstammtisch, not-for-profit social engagement) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013-2015
- Analyst in the project “Bester Geschäftsbericht des Manager Magazins 2008” (i.e., award of a well-known German business magazine for the best annual report) with Prof. Jörg Baetge, 2008
- Financial analyst for the valuation of non-performing loan portfolios (working student position) at Lowell Financial Services GmbH (formerly GFKL Financial Services GmbH, investor in non-performing loan portfolios with workout divisions), Essen, Germany, 2005 - 2007
- Software developer of an online content management system (working student position) at the Exam GmbH (now DEKRA EXAM GmbH, inspection company), 2003 - 2005
- Assistant in approx. 700 dermatological surgeries as civil servant and subsequently as employee at the hospital Klinikum Vest GmbH – Behandlungszentrum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen, Germany, 2002-2003