Print Medien
The Effect of Unconventional Fiscal Policy on Consumption Expenditure (with D'Acunto, F. and Weber, M.), March 2017, ifo DICE Report 15 (1), p. 9-11 (Hoang)
Can Sales Taxes Boost Economic Growth?, Chicago Booth Review, February 2017 (Hoang)
Unconventional Fiscal Policy and Consumption Spending, NBER DIGEST, October 2016, pdf (Hoang)
So sieht Erfolg aus, WirtschaftsWoche, 04.11.2016 (Limbach)
Konsum-Ankurbler, Badische Neueste Nachrichten, 10.11.2015 (Hoang)
Der verblüffende Effekt von Steuererhöhungen, DIE WELT, 23.10.2015 (Hoang)
The look of a leader, The Economist, 27.09.2014 (Limbach)
- Große Angst vor Umweltkatastrophen, Badische Neueste Nachrichten, 21.05.2013 (Ruckes)
- Staatsbankrott Griechenlands, SWR Fernsehen Baden-Württemberg, 04.09.2012 (Ruckes)
- Interview zum Börsengang von Facebook, Baden TV, 10.02.2012 (Limbach)
Want that corner office, top job? Start working on your looks and fitness,, 27.12.2016 (Limbach)
Wanted: Executives Fit To Be CXOs, Economic Times Epaper (Bangalore), 26.12.2016 (Limbach)
NBER Paper Studies the Effect of Unconventional Fiscal Policy on Consumption Expenditure, Wall Street Journal Pro, September 23, 2016 (Hoang)
Fighting deflation with unconventional fiscal policy (with D'Acunto, F. and Weber, M.), VoxEU, April 2016 (Hoang)
Some Consumers Don’t Take the Bait When Economists Project Inflation,, December 5, 2015 (Hoang)
Inflationserwartung kann Ausgabebereitschaft der Verbraucher erhöhen, GfK Press Release, October 23, 2015 (Hoang)
Grand Central: The Untaper Tantrum, WSJ Real Time Economics Blog, October 6, 2015 (Hoang)
Steigende Inflationserwartungen stimulieren Konsum (with D'Acunto, F. and Weber, M.), Ökonomenstimme, July 2015 (Hoang)
Inflation expectations spur consumption (with D'Acunto, F. and Weber, M.), VoxEU, June 2015 (Hoang)
Inflation Expectations and Consumption Expenditure, Bloomberg Surveillance, April 21, 2015 (Hoang)
Inflation Expectations Spur Consumption Expenditure,, April 6, 2015 (Hoang)
Les sportifs seraient-ils de meilleurs dirigeants d'entreprise?, Le Journal Du Net, 11.02.2015 (Limbach)
Why staying fit is an imperative for business heads getting older & seeking to stay at the top, The Economic Time, 08.02.2015 (Limbach)
Inflation Expectations Spur Consumption Expenditure, Econbrowser, January 6, 2015 (Hoang)
How CEO shirking affects company performance, Garry Moller's Blog, 05.12.2014 (Limbach)
Wer Marathon läuft, bringt mehr Performance, Fonds Professionell Multimedia GmbH, 02.10.2014 (Limbach)
Study: Runners Run Better Companies,, 22.09.2014 (Limbach)