Martin Ruckes

Prof. Dr. Martin Ruckes

Short Profile

Martin Ruckes is Professor for Finance and Banking at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since February 2007.

From 2013 and 2016, Martin Ruckes held also the position of the dean of studies responsible for the fields of study on "Industrial Engeneering and Management" and "Economics Engineering".

Martin Ruckes earned his PhD in Economics and his Diplom in Business Economics from the University of Mannheim. After his PhD, Martin spent seven year as an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business (USA).

He is an internationally recognized researcher in the field of Corporate Finance amd Financial Intermediation. His research has been published in many high reputable international journals like the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, Review of Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation and the Journal of Banking and Finance.

Since 2011, he is also member of the Scientific Advisory Board at Aalto University School of Business.

Curriculum Vitae (English)


Corporate Finance and Financial Contracting, Corporate Investment and Capital Budgeting, Corporate Governance, Corporate Restructuring, Corporate Control, Financial Services, Economics of Organizations



  • Advanced Corporate Finance (Summer)
  • Financial intermediation (Winter)
  • Valuation (Winter)
  • Seminar in Finance (Master) (Winter)


  • Business Economics: Finance and Accounting (Winter)
  • Financial Management (Summer)
  • Corporate Risk Management (Summer)
  • Seminar in Finance (Bachelor) (Summer)

Publications (in referreed journals)

Working papers

If one of the hyperlinks is not working properly or you are interested in the most recent version of a working paper, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail.

Work in progress

  • "Liquidity, borrowing structure, and limits to arbitrage" (mit Mukarram Attari und Antonio S. Mello)