

Zweite "Summer Lecture in Finance" des Lehrstuhls

Im Atrium des Gebäudes in der Blücherstraße fand am 21.06.2018 die zweite Summer Lecture des Lehrstuhls für Finanzwirtschaft und Banken statt. Zahlreiche Teilnehmer, darunter auch viele Studierende kamen um sich einen spannenden Vortrag von Dr. Andreas Sauer, Gründer und Principal der Investmentboutique ansa capital management und Lehrbeauftragter für die Vorlesung „Applied Asset Management“ anzuhören. Dr. Sauer behandelte dabei das Thema „Makrosensitives Investieren“ und referierte über den Einfluss von Makrofaktoren auf die Performance von Assetklassen. Im Anschluss an den Vortrag konnten wir den Abend in geselliger Atmosphäre ausklingen lassen.


Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung hatten wir die Gelegenheit unseren langjährigen Honorarprofessor der bei den Studierenden beliebten Vorlesung „Börsen“, Prof. Jörg Franke, zu verabschieden. 


Voller Vorfreude blicken wir entsprechend auf das Jahr 2019 und die dritte Summer Lecture in Finance.


First "Summer Lecture in Finance"

On July, 20th, 2017 the Department for Finance and Banking hosted the first Summer Lecture in Finance at the Institute for Finance (FBV).Numerous participants, among them several students, came to attend and listen to an interesting presentation by Dr. Marc-Oliver Jauch, Investment Partner at the Private Equity Fond Castik.

The Summer Lecture in Finance has also been a great opportunity to present to all foreign guests the new office building (Campus Bluecherstr.) which has been recently become the new home of the members of the Department for Finance and Banking. For sure, there has not been a more suitable and wonderful place for the first Summer Lecture in Finance than the new office building at the Bluecherstr. 17, Karlsruhe.

The Summer Lecture in Finance has been introduced to provide the diverse groups of the Department's stakeholders such as guest lecturers, honorary professors, students, former members and supporters of the Department for Finance and Banking an platform for communication, interaction and networking in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Embedded in the Department's Nashville Exchange Program, the Summer Lecture in Finance also serves as a get-together and exchange event for our Nashville Alumni to keep in touch with the Department and to hand over important information to the upcoming Nashville exchange students.

As a major event at the end of the upcoming academic year, we are already looking forward to next year's Summer Lecture in Finance.