
Dr. Peter Limbach

  • Postdoctoral researcher / Akademischer Rat
  • Office Hours: 

    nach Vereinbarung

  • Since December 01, 2016, Dr. Peter Limbach is with the University of Cologne.

    You can contact him via e-mai:



  • Organisation of seminars for Bachelor and Master students
  • Organisation of Bachelor and Master theses
  • Organisation of the 12. Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance
  • Organisation of the joint conference of the 13. Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance and the 21. Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF)


  • Winter term (since 2008) - Discussion Sessions (Master) on Corporate Finance I: Valuation and Investment Decisions (ca. 75 students)
  • Summer term 2012 - Lecture (Bachelor) Financial Management (ca. 100 students)
  • Winter and summer term (since 2008) - Finance Seminars (both Bachelor and Master) (15-30 students)
  • MBA teaching Hector School Karlsruhe - Case Studies in Corporate Finance

Supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses

  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses (topics: corporate finance, corporate governance, financial intermediation)
  • Examples of supervised theses: "Shareholder wealth effects of failed European M&A transactions" (1. Prize Leonardo & Co. Award 2010 - Best Thesis (Diplom/Master) in M&A); "Predicting leveraged buyout success - do fixer-uppers and non-fixer-uppers influence takeover success probability in Europe?" (3. Prize Leonardo & Co. Award 2011 - Best Thesis (Bachelor) in M&A); "Busyness of shareholder representatives - Evidence from German firms listed on DAX, MDAX and SDAX"; "CEO Duality Revisited"


  • CEOs and Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Financing (e.g., capital structure, financial intermediaries)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
  • Reputation


In refereed international journals:

In refereed German journals:

  • Today's or yesterday's news - Eine empirische Analyse von Stimmrechtsmitteilungen gemäß §§ 21 ff. WpHG und Schlussfolgerungen für die Kapitalmarktregulierung" (with Markus Doumet, Martin Ruckes, and Rüdiger Veil), Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (ZGR) 44, 709-753, 2015.
  • "Family exit in family firms: how network ties affect the owner's intention to follow the private equity succession route" (with Malte Brettel, Florian Kreer, and René Mauer), Schmalenbach Business Review 67, 454-488, 2015. 
  •  "Ankündigungseffekte der Emission von High-Yield-Bonds in Europa" (with André Betzer), Kredit & Kapital 43 (2), 243-270, 2010.

Other publications:

  • "Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert" (with Christian Andres, André Betzer und Markus Doumet), Kölner Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW) (1/2013), 92-96, 2013.
  • "The Impact of Intermediaries´ Reputation on the Pricing and Performance of U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bonds" (with Christian Andres und André Betzer)- Newsletter Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI), März 2011.

Book chapters:


"The Role of Reputation in Corporate Finance: Evidence from Corporate Bonds, Delegated Monitoring, and Corporate Name Changes" (Supervisors: Prof. Martin Ruckes (KIT), Prof. Werner De Bondt (DePaul University, USA))

Working papers


  • 27.09.2014: "The look of a leader" (The Economist)
  • 10.02.2012: Interview zum Börsengang von Facebook (Baden TV)

About Peter

Peter holds a master's degree in Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt) from the University of Bonn and a Ph.D. (Dr. rer. pol.) from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In 2011 he spent several months at Erasmus University Rotterdam as a visiting Ph.D. In 2012 Peter gathered additional teaching experience at Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL) where he held the lecture "Financial Management" in both the part-time and full-time MBA program. Peter gathered practical experience during internships in accounting, corporate finance, and M&A. He is the co-founder of a software start-up company.