Dr. Peter Limbach
- Postdoctoral researcher / Akademischer Rat
- Office Hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Since December 01, 2016, Dr. Peter Limbach is with the University of Cologne.
You can contact him via e-mai: plimbach@wiso.uni-koeln.de
- Organisation of seminars for Bachelor and Master students
- Organisation of Bachelor and Master theses
- Organisation of the 12. Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance
- Organisation of the joint conference of the 13. Symposium on Finance, Banking, and Insurance and the 21. Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF)
- Winter term (since 2008) - Discussion Sessions (Master) on Corporate Finance I: Valuation and Investment Decisions (ca. 75 students)
- Summer term 2012 - Lecture (Bachelor) Financial Management (ca. 100 students)
- Winter and summer term (since 2008) - Finance Seminars (both Bachelor and Master) (15-30 students)
- MBA teaching Hector School Karlsruhe - Case Studies in Corporate Finance
Supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses
- Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses (topics: corporate finance, corporate governance, financial intermediation)
- Examples of supervised theses: "Shareholder wealth effects of failed European M&A transactions" (1. Prize Leonardo & Co. Award 2010 - Best Thesis (Diplom/Master) in M&A); "Predicting leveraged buyout success - do fixer-uppers and non-fixer-uppers influence takeover success probability in Europe?" (3. Prize Leonardo & Co. Award 2011 - Best Thesis (Bachelor) in M&A); "Busyness of shareholder representatives - Evidence from German firms listed on DAX, MDAX and SDAX"; "CEO Duality Revisited"
- CEOs and Corporate Governance
- Corporate Financing (e.g., capital structure, financial intermediaries)
- Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
- Reputation
In refereed international journals:
- "Mind the gap: The age dissimilarity between the chair and the CEO" (with Marc Goergen and Meik Scholz), Journal of Corporate Finance 35, 136-158, 2015.
- "Underwriter Reputation and the Quality of Certification: Evidence from High-Yield Bonds" (with Christian Andres and André Betzer), Journal of Banking & Finance 40, 97-115, 2014.
In refereed German journals:
- Today's or yesterday's news - Eine empirische Analyse von Stimmrechtsmitteilungen gemäß §§ 21 ff. WpHG und Schlussfolgerungen für die Kapitalmarktregulierung" (with Markus Doumet, Martin Ruckes, and Rüdiger Veil), Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (ZGR) 44, 709-753, 2015.
- "Family exit in family firms: how network ties affect the owner's intention to follow the private equity succession route" (with Malte Brettel, Florian Kreer, and René Mauer), Schmalenbach Business Review 67, 454-488, 2015.
"Ankündigungseffekte der Emission von High-Yield-Bonds in Europa" (with André Betzer), Kredit & Kapital 43 (2), 243-270, 2010.
Other publications:
- "Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert" (with Christian Andres, André Betzer und Markus Doumet), Kölner Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW) (1/2013), 92-96, 2013.
- "The Impact of Intermediaries´ Reputation on the Pricing and Performance of U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bonds" (with Christian Andres und André Betzer)- Newsletter Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI), März 2011.
Book chapters:
- "Underwriter Reputation & Certification in the High Yield Bond Market" (with Christian Andres and André Betzer), in: High Yield, Future Tense: Cracking the Code of Speculative Debt (Editor: Martin Fridson), Part 1, Chapter 5.
"The Role of Reputation in Corporate Finance: Evidence from Corporate Bonds, Delegated Monitoring, and Corporate Name Changes" (Supervisors: Prof. Martin Ruckes (KIT), Prof. Werner De Bondt (DePaul University, USA))
Working papers
- "All good things come to an end: CEO tenure and firm value" (with Markus Schmid and Meik Scholz). Paris December Finance Meeting (EUROFIDAI AFFI) 2015, ECCCS Workshop on corporate control and governance 2016, Swiss Finance Association Meeting 2016.
- "Does CEO Fitness Matter?" (with Florian Sonnenburg), CFR Working Paper 14-12. WFA 2016, Edinburgh Corporate Finance Conference 2015, Swiss Finance Association Meeting 2015.
- "Delegated Monitoring: the Effectiveness and Pricing of Bond Indenture Trustees" (with Christian Andres und André Betzer).
- "General Managerial Skills and Shareholder Value: Evidence from Sudden Executive Deaths" (with André Betzer, Maximilian Ibel, Grace Lee and Jesus M. Salas). Swiss Finance Association Meeting 2016, German Finance Association Meeting 2015.
- "Ich bin dann mal weg: Werteffekte von Delistings deutscher Aktiengesellschaften nach dem Frosta-Urteil (Wealth Effects of Delistings by German Firms after the Frosta Decision)" (with Markus Doumet and Erik Theissen).
- "Once Bitten, Twice Shy: How Unconsummated Deals Affect Future M&As" (with Johannes Reusche and Bernhard Schwetzler).
- 27.09.2014: "The look of a leader" (The Economist)
- 10.02.2012: Interview zum Börsengang von Facebook (Baden TV)
About Peter
Peter holds a master's degree in Economics (Diplom-Volkswirt) from the University of Bonn and a Ph.D. (Dr. rer. pol.) from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In 2011 he spent several months at Erasmus University Rotterdam as a visiting Ph.D. In 2012 Peter gathered additional teaching experience at Handelshochschule Leipzig (HHL) where he held the lecture "Financial Management" in both the part-time and full-time MBA program. Peter gathered practical experience during internships in accounting, corporate finance, and M&A. He is the co-founder of a software start-up company.