Dr. Torsten Lüdecke
- Akademischer Direktor
- Office Hours:
Montags 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr
- Room: 230 (2. OG), Geb. 09.21
- Phone: +49 721 608-43429
- torsten luedecke ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Administrator of the Karlsruher Kapitalmarktdatenbank (KKMDB)
- IT-Specialist and Webmaster
Current courses:
- SS - Financial Analysis (Master)
- SS - Seminar in Finance (Bachelor)
- WS - Financial Accounting for Global Firms (Bachelor)
- WS - Seminar in Finance (Master)
Past courses:
- SS - Interne Unternehmensrechnung
- SS - Plankosten und kurzfristige Erfolgsrechnung
- WS - Rechnungswesen I
- WS - Bilanzen
- WS - Investitions- und Bilanztheorie
- WS - Marktmikrostruktur
Bachelor and Master thesis
Topical areas of interest:
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Accounting-Based Approach to Valuation
- Quality of Financial Accounting
- Corporate Strategy & Financial Accounting
- Role of Business Models in Financial Reporting
- Financial Communication
- Investor Relations
- Debt Relations
- Financial Accounting, Hector School of Engineering & Management, 2014 - 2020.
- Introduction to Management Accounting, Hector School of Engineering & Management, 2005 - 2013.